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Safety & Virus Prevention Control Plan for Skin Perfect Spas
- All Skin Perfect employees have taken an infection control training course to enhance and further their knowledge of bacteria, viruses and sanitation.
- Our employees have been given a detailed infection control plan including PPE to wear during services and while on spa premises, ensuring the 6 ft. social distancing, etc.
- We have posted signage at the front desk, as well as the break room and bathrooms reminding clients, guests and employees the importance of hygiene standards such as hand washing, sanitizer, wiping down all areas, covering coughs, and hands-off policies unless in a treatment setting.
- We will do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through in spa safety practices and in our communication to clients and guests through our channels of online bookings, phone calls, text messages, and/or email prior to appointments.
- We will recommend clients in high-risk, vulnerable groups not get treatments.
- At client and employee arrival, we will provide a temperature reading with a temperature gun and will offer clients hand sanitizer and an optional mask upon entering the spa.
- We will maintain physical distancing in common areas and we will be staggering appointments. All employees are required to wear masks in common areas. We require service providers to wear masks and a face shield.
- During treatment, we will not be offering lip masks due to potential saliva contamination.
- To prevent any opportunity of possible contact with COVID-19, we will not be doing hand and arm massages during treatments, instead we will be offering a longer neck and shoulder massage.
- We will ask clients to use hand sanitizer upon arrival, then go to the bathroom to wash their hands prior to going into the treatment room.
- Our beds will only have fresh laundered sheets and we will discontinue blanket use.
- Our hospitality and management team will be overseeing constant cleaning of surfaces, and equipment, paying special attention to high-touch areas such as door-knobs and light switches.
- We will not be using any makeup testers at this time. However, we will continue to provide custom blend foundation matching.
- Our employees will be changing into their uniform and spa shoes once they have arrived at the spa and had their temperature checked.
- At the end of their shift, our employees will change out of their uniform and spa shoes followed by the uniform being properly washed and disinfected.
- Our guests will be offered an optional disposable mask for your visit. We will take only one client into the reception area at a time to avoid congregation and respect social distancing.
- All treatment rooms will have a required disinfection time, so they are properly wiped down and thoroughly disinfected between every client.
- We will continue to follow the direction of all Barbering and Cosmetology State Boards ensuring the mandatory cleaning and disinfection of tools and implements, areas with counter tops, door handles, treatment rooms, back bars, bathrooms, reception areas, and break room.

We want to help keep your skin looking and feeling it’s best while we undergo the changes we’re all facing due to the Corona Virus. This video walks you step-by-step through an at home exfoliation treatment that you can do from the comfort of your home. It’s easy to do and will keep your skin looking bright and glowing. Stay tuned for more at-home treatments in the days to come.
All products shown in this video are available for purchase below and at our online store here https://store.skinperfectspas.com/
Everyone is under a lot of stress during this difficult time with the COVID-19 pandemic. We can only do what is in our control to stay healthy and protected by following the guidelines of the CDC. During this time it’s important to remember to practice self-care and one of those ways is by doing at home skin care treatments. In this video, Skin Perfect owner, Jaclyn Peresetsky, guides you through step by step instructions on how to use the Nanoface Pro for an at-home nanocurrent treatment for cleansing, treating, lifting and tightening. She also shows you how to finish your treatment with an LED Light Therapy Facial Mask to further stimulate collagen and elastin production, treat acne, as well as those suffering with anxiety or depression. All products shown in this video are available for purchase at the link below.
Skin products
Now Hiring – Front End Client Coordinator
Skin Perfect MD is seeking an outgoing, organized, customer service professional to lead our front-end team. This position is vital to the flow and operation of the spa and client experience. The primary focus of this role is to be responsible for all front-end operations including client scheduling, client check-in and check-out. In addition, this role is responsible for inventory management, and maintaining a clean and welcoming front reception area. This position requires extensive product and service knowledge to assist clients as well as provide occasional light makeup applications after client treatments. Training will be provided.
Position Duties and Responsibilities:
• Client scheduling
• Client check-in and check-out
• Work closely with spa management to handle customer service issues
• Answer telephones
• Make product and service recommendations
• Product inventory
• Opening and/or closing of spa
• Work closely with hospitality manager on client flow and experience
• Assist estheticians in schedule management and support
• Support ad-hoc projects and marketing initiatives
• Collaborate with management to ensure proper execution of client requests and share actionable ideas
725 Buckles Court North, Suite 200 Gahanna, OH 43230 | (614)762-6623 | www.skinperfectspas.com
Qualifications and Qualities:
• 3+ years of relevant work experience
• Experience with spa, salon or office management
• Familiarity with skin care, cosmetic, or beauty industry
• Excellent customer service
• Must be dependable, well organized, and hard working
• Ability to multi-task
• Must be able to handle high pressure situations
• Good verbal and written communication skills along with the ability to meet deadlines
• Desire to work in a small, entrepreneurial company, be a self-starter and be a valued associate
• Be willing to roll up your sleeves to perform any and all responsibilities needed to ensure success
For more information please contact Anne Harkin (614)762-6623 or anne@skinperfectuniversity.com.
Whenever we think of roses, we always think of Valentine’s Day. The nostalgia of Valentine’s Day starts as far back as grade school, when we made valentines for friends, teachers, and, of course, our crushes.
The classic roses are always what we think of when coming up with a Valentine’s Day gift, but maybe using this classic in a different creative gift idea just might surprise your special someone!
- Rose Glow – A highlighter with a flattering hint of pink to illuminate cheekbones and eyelids is a universal gift for all skin tones. And let’s face it, women never have enough makeup!
- Rose Tie, Rose Pink Golf Shirt, Rose Dress Shirt? – Men love to be thought of on this special day, and using the chosen V-Day’s color may warm his heart.
- Rose Face Mist – Rose extract is hydrating and can be exactly what our skin needs after a night sleep when we are losing water. A rose water spritz may be exactly what your special someone needs to wake their skin up in a beautiful and loving way.
- Rose Fragrance for Him – Rose is a note that we typically reserved for old ladies and maidens. Believe it or not, there are many rose-infused fragrances for men. Often, male fragrances combine the rose accord with a woody base acting as an anchor.
I am so excited to get started on a new skin care adventure with Skin Perfect! I’d lost faith in the products I had been using and as a new member of the 40 and over club, I’d pretty much resigned myself to the fact that acne and dull skin were my destiny.
I arrived at Skin Perfect to meet Ashlee on a Saturday afternoon. I completed a more extensive than normal questionnaire for a spa and I was off to start the skin evaluation. Ashlee cleansed my skin and removed the minisc
ule amount of make up I managed to throw on between my workout, shower and race out the door. We then went back up to the front of the spa for “pictures.” Although I was unprepared, this is where the amazing begins at Skin Perfect.
I set my face inside a small white box, right next to a few very powerful appearing light bulbs. She told me to close my eyes and hold still until I saw the flash that looked like a bulb burning out. It was quick and painless, but what followed, not so much. Before I knew it, I was examining two photos of myself, both of which revealed the not so pleasant truth about my skin. Starting with the good news, the collagen and elastin in my face is at a good level. That means fewer lines and wrinkles. There was less bacteria then I expected, considering the regularity of my breakouts. Next, we looked at the red areas that started at the bridge of my nose and finished at the bottom of my chin. She told me that is inflammation and was the result of the products I’d been using. Finally, we looked at the brown spots that littered my t-zone. Undeniably sun damage. It was not as bad as I was expecting, but still very unsettling to see. The most interesting thing the photos revealed was that my skin is completely dehydrated. Ashlee saw this almost immediately. Dehydrated and breaking out? And 40? Yep.
We proceeded back to the treatment room to get started. Step one was dermaplane. If you’ve never had it, text me and I will send you Ashlee’s number. Although it might sound a bit daunting to have an esthetician run a scalpel across your face, it is completely worth it. When she was done, my skin was softer and smoother than it was on the day I was born. If you are a skin care junkie like me, you’ve tried every product on the market in attempts to find that perfectly exfoliated face. It is a delicate balance between soft and smooth and turning into a roma tomato. Dermaplane is, by far, the most amazing exfoliation out there. Ashlee removed the top layer of skin cells, which disproved part of my self diagnosed skin destiny: glowing skin…on my face.
Extractions were next. If you, like me, are 40+ and breakout on a regular basis, you feel my pain. The moment I walked though the doors of Hastings Middle School, my skin started breaking out. And it hasn’t taken a break since. My sixty something mother frequently tries to “make me feel better,” by telling me she still breaks out from time to time (misery loves company, right?) and by reassuring me oily skin means fewer wrinkles (so we can budget less for Botox). Before Ashlee got started, we discussed milia. Those pesky white spots that appear to be a breakout, but are really a collection of yuck under your skin. If you’ve ever tried to remove them yourself you know, its not easy and it doesn’t ever end well. I have quite a few. After two tough extractions by the professional, we decide to wait and see if the others take care of themselves with the combo of dermaplane and new products.
The final step is a quick pumpkin enzyme peel that tingled in a great way and did not cause a house fire on my face! From there, Ashlee took me to the front of the spa where she pulled and explained my new skin care regime (new products!) and sat me down for a quick off with mineral makeup done by the cosmetic manager. Who wants the rest of the world to know they just had a facial? I don’t. And neither does Skin Perfect. So the dust off is included with every treatment. As soon as the dust off was complete, I was off.
I’m Jan Rodenfels, I’m a health coach and the author of Amazing in the Second Half. I just had my first treatment at Skin Perfect. I had some reservations about trying it as my skin is very sensitive and I wasn’t sure how it would react. I had a client to go to immediately after my treatment. I was worried that I would be red and he would know I had had “something done”! I am 56 years old and I want to take care of my skin but I don’t want anything too invasive.
I met with Ashley in Skin Perfect’s beautiful Polaris spa. First, Ashley did a Skin Evaluation to analyze my skin, explaining that she will decide how to treat my skin based on this analysis. I thought this was very interesting. I had thought I didn’t have much collagen left, but she assured me that I did still have some.
Then, she took me to a treatment room and I passed by their estheticians who ALL have amazing skin. This gave me hope that my skin would improve! After climbing in the most wonderful cocoon-like bed that was heated and covered up with a sheet and a soft blanket, Ashley went to work on me.
She did something called dermaplaning that gently removes dead skin cells. Then she numbed my skin with a lidocaine cream and after I was numb began the collagen induction therapy.
I braced myself for pain, accepting the necessary evil to have beautiful skin. It really didn’t hurt! The little bit of discomfort was on my forehead. I decided the bed was so comfortable and warm that she could do whatever she wanted!! Each pass, Ashley put a serum on my face that will help plump up my skin and build collagen.
Next was the light therapy treatment. Light therapy uses pulses of heat and light to even skin tone, reduce wrinkles and even soothe rosacea! I really liked the idea of this treatment because I have a lot of redness to my skin. I was given small goggles to wear. It was warm on my skin but very tolerable.
The last treatment in my series was the microcurrent facelift. It is very relaxing and I literally fell asleep for a moment while I was having it. It’s really a workout for your facial muscles, but you don’t have to do any of the work!!
I really enjoyed my first treatment at Skin Perfect and I can’t wait to see the results in a few weeks. I’m so excited to finally do something for my skin, something just for me!! On the drive to my client, I couldn’t stop touching my face. It felt so smooth and although a tiny bit pink, my client didn’t notice a thing! I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
If you are a woman there have many times when you have second guessed putting on certain makeup for a date. We always wonder what men love and hate about beauty, but no one wants to ask. We have got the answers for you! Below you will find the top trends that men hate and some ways you can be sure you do not fall into that category.
Too Much Makeup
Men love simplicity, especially when it comes to makeup. Men appreciate a natural look versus a full face of makeup. They also love that the natural look doesn’t take as long as a full face of makeup. If you are going for a bright color on your face you want to pick either lips, blush, or eyeshadow. You never want all three to have a bright color. Instead of going for a bright eyeshadow try a color that is more natural and light rather than a bright or dark smokey eye. For your lips choose something that is a nude color or a cool pink. When applying blush you want it to look as natural as you can, stay away from the deep colors and focus on what would look natural on your cheek bones.
Fake Eyelashes
Eyelashes are a girl’s best friend, but not always the guy’s best friend. When guys see your eyelashes taken off and put into the trash, I guarantee they make some type of remark or make fun of them. If you decide to wear fake eyelashes you want to cut the eyelashes into sections. This way it is easier to apply and you will not leave your entire lash line on their pillow case. A wonderful service clients love is, eyelash extensions. Instead of always having to apply and reapply you will just have to wake up and add mascara. The eyelash extensions are applied to your lashes and will stay on as long as you continue coming in for touch ups. The picture to the right shows fake eyelashes (left) and eyelash extensions (right) done by one of our expert estheticians.
Makeup that is not the right color
Everyone’s skin tone is different, which means certain colors may not look best on you. As we mentioned previously, men hate when a woman wears too much makeup. Now if you have too much makeup on and it doesn’t fit your skin tone, you may not have a chance of a second date. You may not think guys notice, but they do. Color analysis is a service we offer at our spa and it not only helps you find the right colors for clothing, but also for makeup and jewelry choices. Once you find the perfect colors for you, you will be able to rock many colors that you never knew you could. We offer custom blended foundation which matches your skin tone, perfectly. This way your neck and face will match, and you won’t have to worry about that neck makeup line. When you put on your foundation it should never look like your head is floating.
Dramatic Eyebrows
Eyebrows shape our face and without them we feel naked. If you follow certain makeup sites, you may have seen the infamous concealer brow. For this trick they draw on the brow, then line the brow with concealer making the brow pop. This is nowhere close to being natural, and your man may not like it. Your eyebrows arch should never look pointy and like it is touching your hair line. When you draw on your brow you want to follow your hair line, then when you reach the arch make your line a little higher. The biggest mistake when drawing on eyebrows is the color. If you colored your hair blonde, your eyebrow needs to match the darkest blonde highlight. If you are platinum blonde, your eyebrows should be light/dark blonde depending on your skin tone. If you dye your hair red, your eyebrows should have red tint to them. Lastly we have many services that will help your makeup needs. Whether that be permanent makeup for your eye liner, lips, or brows. Eyebrow tinting so you have a better feel for your shape. Or makeup lessons so you can learn how to rock that natural look.
Not only are these trends just to make the men happy, but they will also help guide you to have a better face for your job, interviews, and evenings out with friends. We hope these tips help you out on your beauty journey.
How many times have you been told “never wear makeup to bed.” Every night you wash your face to only wake up and apply the same makeup on. The only way you can avoid breakouts and unhealthy skin is to wash your face every night, for a makeup free face. After countless amounts of applying and reapplying, I’m sure you have found yourself wishing to wake up with a face full of smudge free makeup. Now there is something called, Permanent Makeup, which we offer at our Skin Perfect locations.
Permanent makeup is a process of cosmetic tattooing, it adds pigmentation to the skin to create the look of makeup. We offer lip, brow, and eyeliner at our locations. This
procedure has become very popular for all women. It helps you have a quicker beauty routine every morning and will help you get a few more minutes of sleep.
Many of you know Jaclyn Peresetsky, she is the owner, esthetician, and permanent makeup expert here at Skin Perfect. With her advanced training in color theory, her artistic background creates natural-looking results. “Having the proper color choice and a soft application are the keys to beautiful permanent makeup,” says Jaclyn.
During the procedure, one of our estheticians like Jaclyn or Susana will first numb the targeted area. Then, using a digitalized designed for facial tattooing, she will apply the makeup color using delicate strokes like a painter. The procedure is quick, lasting around 45 minutes. The results of these procedures will last for several years, but natural fading does occur over time. We recommend you coming in overtime to have a touch up done.
The waterproof and smudge-proof permanent makeup saves time and money that is normally spent on morning beauty routines and
reapplication throughout the day. Your eyebrows will be perfectly shaped, lipstick won’t rub off, and your eyeliner won’t need reapplied every time laughter brings tears to your eyes. Permanent makeup also helps men and women who have thinning or uneven eyebrows, receive the brow shape they have always wanted. Women who suffer from hand tremors, arthritis, poor eyesight, and other conditions that make it hard to apply makeup, finally get the makeup they want. “We want men and women to look great, feel confident, and have the defined features they desire, without anyone knowing they had permanent makeup done,” says Jaclyn.