Don’t Forget Your Hands
August 12, 2013
Lately I have been noticing clients’ hands. Most likely because of the beautiful colors of nail polish I see in the summer while doing hand and arm messages during treatments. We protect our faces, and hopefully my clients also protect their neck and chest, but our poor hands are the afterthought of skin care. They really do show our age and all because no matter where you live they are exposed year round. Driving gloves and white day gloves were a spectacular idea, and how I wish they were still in style! So while you will probably not pull out the pair of white gloves your grandmother or great grandmother wore and try to bring back an old trend there is something you can do.
First, as always in skin care – prevention, prevention, prevention! If you don’t break it we don’t have to fix it. So put your sunscreen on your hands all year and all day. It isn’t as hard as you might think. Place a travel size liquid sunscreen in your purse and use it as moisturizer. If you don’t like the liquid version, Skin Perfect carries brush on minerals in a retractable brush. It is wonderful for face neck chest and back of hands. Keep it in your purse, your golf bag, your tennis bag.
Already have damage? It isn’t too late. The backs of hands can be treated in the treatment room and at home with treatment products. Skin Perfect will customize an easy home care regimen and treatments according to your skin’s needs. Ask your esthetician in your next treatment or schedule an appointment.